Thank you for your interest in submitting work to Nuart Journal. All submissions should be emailed to

Please read through the instructions carefully when preparing your manuscript. If you have not done so, please also read through the Aims and Scopes to ensure that your work fits with the themes and ambitions of the journal.

There are no charges (APCs) associated with publishing your work in Nuart Journal.

Nuart Journal welcomes different types of submissions, from full-length papers to shorter or experimental works.

Full-length academic papers

Full-length papers should be 5000–8000 words in length, inclusive of citations and bibliography. Manuscripts should be sent as an MS Word document (*.doc). Please avoid the use of referencing software (e.g. EndNote, Zotero, Mendely) as they do not always work well across operating systems and word processing software. Manuscripts should be in A4 or Letter format, double-spaced, with page numbers.. Harvard referencing style should be used. Manuscripts should be anonymised.

Please provide a separate cover page with your article title and contact details.

Full-length papers will be sent out for anonymous peer review to appropriate expert reviewers selected by the editorial team. See peer review process, below.

Shorter submissions

Shorter or experimental submissions are welcome. These may include research notes, photo essays and other visual submissions, book reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces. Please contact the editorial team if you wish to discuss an alternative or experimental mode of submission.

Shorter contributions may be reviewed by the editorial team.

Visual materials

High-quality images are encouraged for all submissions. Photographs and figures may be included within the manuscript text for original submission. However, figures must be sent as separate files prior to printing and must be sent at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Figures should be captioned accordingly. This includes always crediting an artist’s work appearing in any photographs, where practicable.

Copyright material

Authors are responsible for obtaining permissions for the reproduction of copyright material.