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This issue of Nuart Journal is dedicated to the theme of Freedom.

Freedom is a paradoxical theme, given our current state of near global lockdown, and the deprivation of so many daily taken for granted liberties, that we are currently living through.

When Nuart Journal announced this theme last year, we could not have imagined that our lives could change so swiftly, nor that ‘freedom’ would come to have such a bittersweet resonance just a few months later.

This new issue of Nuart Journal contains a collection of academic articles, visual essays, interviews, and reviews which critically address ideas related to freedom, democracy, and our right to public space – freedom of artistic expression, freedom of movement, freedom from harassment, violence, and arrest.

Nuart Journal is a peer-reviewed journal. We accept submissions from a broad range of authors including cultural heritage workers, historians, critics, cultural and human geographers, political theorists, anthropologists, ethnographers, sociologists, psychologists, criminologists, curators, artists, writers, taggers, anarchists, and out and out vandals.

All Nuart Journal content is open access online in perpetuity, but we also have a very limited print run — available at selected international stockists.